About Us

About Us

Derline Pierre-Louis started performing the tasks and taking on the role of bookkeeper and accountant before she even knew what either of them were. At the age of 12 she was studying her mother, a serial entrepreneur, with businesses ranging from a restaurant to residential cleaning. Seeing the freedom that work provided for her mother to run efficient and successful businesses, she later founded Economic Solution Services, Inc. or ESSI in order to help other businesses. However, as the demands and needs of her clients changed, she built a team of accountants, bookkeepers, tax professionals and CPAs dedicated to the success of all small and big businesses. Providing high quality services and expertise. ESSI provides Cash-Flow Centered bookkeeping, accounting, business consulting, tax planning, preparation and filing services. Derline’s passion is to save clients money through tax planning and strategy.


Companies who choose our firm rely on competent advice and a quick accurate personnel. We provide total financial services to individuals, large and small businesses and other agencies. Because we get new business from the people who know us best, client referrals have fueled our growth in the recent years and we are very appreciative of every referral.


Our firm is one of the leading in the area. By combining our expertise, experience and the energy of our staff, each client receives close personal and professional attention. Our high standards, service and specialized staff spell the difference between our outstanding performance, compared to other firms. We make sure that every client is served by the expertise of our whole firm.


An accounting firm is known for the quality of its service. Our firm’s reputation reflects the high standards we demand of ourselves. Our primary goal as a trusted advisor is to be available to provide insightful advice to enable our clients to make informed financial decisions. We do not accept anything less from ourselves and this is what we deliver to you. We feel it is extremely important to continually professionally educate ourselves to improve our technical expertise, financial knowledge and service to our clients. Our high service quality and “raving fan” clients are the result of our commitment to excellence. We will answer all of your questions, as they impact both your tax and financial situations. We welcome you to contact us anytime.

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Our Mission

Economic Solution Services, Inc.-ESSI is dedicated to providing high quality bookkeeping, accounting, tax services and Business Consulting to our small business clients in several industries, but especially Home-Based/Network Marketing Industries and Real Estate Investors.
Our firm provides outstanding service to our clients because of our dedication to the three underlying principles of professionalism, responsiveness and quality.